Early Years Inspection Handbook & Ofsted Inspection Framework 2019 – key changes for nurseries

Ofsted updated its Education Inspection Framework and Early Years Inspection Handbook in September 2019, find out the key changes for early years here. Early Years Inspection Handbook (2019) The new judgement areas and grade descriptors have less focus on data and more focus on: You can book a place at one of our Preparing for your… Continue reading Early Years Inspection Handbook & Ofsted Inspection Framework 2019 – key changes for nurseries

Ofsted nursery inspections guidance

Find out what Ofsted means to your early years setting and Ofsted nursery inspections. What is Ofsted? Ofsted is the Office for Standards in Education, Children’s Services and Skills. Ofsted’s role is to inspect and regulate England-based services that care for children and young people as well as services providing education and skills for learners of… Continue reading Ofsted nursery inspections guidance

NDNA in England

Supporting nurseries across England to provide high-quality, sustainable childcare From our head office in West Yorkshire we provide day nurseries and the early years sector in England with campaigning, support, training and advice. NDNA events in England Every year our prestigious national conference, exhibition and awards ceremony take place, where members hear the latest speakers on topical issues… Continue reading NDNA in England

EYFS Your Questions answered

Here, we answer your questions on the new EYFS. Suitable People Q: The EYFS now states that criminal records check (or checks if more than one country) should also be made for anyone who has lived or worked abroad, what does this mean?A: Registered providers must now obtain an additional criminal record check (or checks if more… Continue reading EYFS Your Questions answered

Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) Statutory Framework reforms 2021

See information about the EYFS Statutory Framework to be used from 1 September 2021 below.  This is the revised and final EYFS Framework that all registered nurseries, childminders, schools and pre-schools in England will follow from 1 September 2021. Access our ‘Revised EYFS’ live virtual classroom training here.Early years settings must continue to follow the… Continue reading Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) Statutory Framework reforms 2021

Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) 2023 – what you need to know

The statutory framework for the EYFS effective from 4 September 2023 has now been published. This framework is mandatory for all early years providers in England. Find out more here.There are three points in the latest updates: NDNA support Has the format of Ofsted inspections changed?  Ofsted updated their guidance in September and it is available… Continue reading Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) 2023 – what you need to know

Early years recruitment costs must be reflected in funding rates

Higher employment figures and higher wages will exacerbate the early years sector’s already challenging recruitment and retention issues, says NDNA. A report by the Office for National Statistics (ONS) released this week (12 October) gives a picture of numbers of employees returning to pre-pandemic levels with unemployment down and vacancies soaring: Number of payroll employees returned… Continue reading Early years recruitment costs must be reflected in funding rates

Comparison table: Early Years Foundation Stage Framework 2023/24

Comparison of changes to the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) 2024 Framework against the 2023 guidance, exclusively for NDNA members. This EYFS comparison table is for nursery managers and practitioners to understand the key changes between the Early Years Foundation Stage Statutory Framework 2024 and the Early Years Foundation Stage 2023.

LGA calls for significant funding rates increase

In its Spending Review submission, the Local Government Association (LGA) calls for a “significant increase in funding rates for early entitlements in all settings to enable the early years sector to reduce the disadvantage gap and allow all children the opportunity of the best possible start.”  The submission ahead of the Government’s Comprehensive Spending Review (CSR), due… Continue reading LGA calls for significant funding rates increase

New Education Secretary recognises importance of early years

The new Secretary of State for Education Nadhim Zahawi made his first speech at the Conservative party conference yesterday.   Mr Zahawi talked about the importance of early education and language acquisition for children’s educational outcomes. Purnima Tanuku OBE, Chief Executive of NDNA, said: “It is refreshing to hear the Secretary of State for Education recognising… Continue reading New Education Secretary recognises importance of early years

Reducing ratios newspaper article – NDNA’s response

A front page article in the Telegraph on Saturday suggested that the Government is looking at reducing ratios of children to adults in childcare settings in England. The article – which gave no named sources for this information – said that “education officials” argued that this would drive childcare costs down for parents. Having been on the… Continue reading Reducing ratios newspaper article – NDNA’s response

Shadow Education Minister addresses Labour party conference

The Shadow Education Minister Kate Green MP addressed the Labour party conference today. Her speech detailed how the next Labour government would overcome the challenges of the pandemic to deliver an education system that equips children for the future. The speech referenced the Children’s Recovery Plan, first released in June 2021. The document sets out… Continue reading Shadow Education Minister addresses Labour party conference

Nurseries dazzle at the Nursery World Awards 2021

The Nursery World Awards 2021 ceremony took place on Saturday night (25 September) at the Brewery in London and a number of NDNA members were crowned winners.   NDNA’s Chief Executive Purnima Tanuku OBE and Director of Business Development Cara Brundle attended the in-person ceremony. Purnima presented the award for Nursery Operations/Regional Manager to Carly… Continue reading Nurseries dazzle at the Nursery World Awards 2021

Business rates for nurseries in England

One of NDNA’s campaign objectives is to make business rates for nurseries exempt. Making business rates for nurseries exempt would save settings an average of £21,000 a year and would also benefit voluntary sector providers who are currently eligible for reliefs of 80% of their business rates bills.

Birth to 5 Matters

Birth to 5 Matters is guidance produced by the sector, for the sector, to support the implementation of the Early Years Foundation Stage in England. What is Birth to 5 Matters? Birth to 5 Matters is non-statutory guidance that practitioners may use to support their implementation of the Statutory Framework for the Early Years Foundation… Continue reading Birth to 5 Matters

30 Hours – Childcare provider resources

Downloadable 30 hours resources for nurseries to support parents Download this 30 hours communications toolkit from HMRC below to help you support parents with registering and managing 30 hours. Please also remind parents to reconfirm their eligibility for 30 hours every three months.  See 30 hours FAQs here.