Birth to 5 Matters

Birth to 5 Matters is guidance produced by the sector, for the sector, to support the implementation of the Early Years Foundation Stage in England.

What is Birth to 5 Matters?

Birth to 5 matters logo

Birth to 5 Matters is non-statutory guidance that practitioners may use to support their implementation of the Statutory Framework for the Early Years Foundation Stage, which sets out the legal requirements for delivering education for children from birth to 5 in England.

Birth to 5 Matters builds on previous non-statutory guidance for the EYFS.  It includes updated material to reflect research evidence and outlines the foundations of good practice. It offers information and guidance for practitioners to consider how the principles of the EYFS can be brought to life in their setting. New sections on play, characteristics of effective learning, and self-regulation help practitioners to reflect on and develop their own pedagogy.

Find out more about Birth to 5 Matters

The Birth to 5 Matters website includes a free downloadable version of the guidance and additional resources.

A printed copy of the Birth to 5 Matters guidance can be purchased individually, or as part of a bundle of printed and professionally bound full colour copies of the EYFS framework, Development Matters, Birth to 5 Matters and Progress check at age two. 

Members can login to read our exclusive interview with Nancy Stewart – Early Years consultant, Project Lead for Birth to Five Matters featured in Nursery News magazine also.

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