Early years funding – millions used for other purposes or taken back by DfE

Local authorities are continuing to use £millions of early years funding to offset other deficits or put in reserves, according to an investigation by National Day Nurseries Association (NDNA). As the biggest voice for the sector, the charity also discovered that almost £60m of early entitlement funding was “clawed back” by the Department for Education… Continue reading Early years funding – millions used for other purposes or taken back by DfE

Childcare expansion: success or failure depends on government support

Following the ambitious announcement of extra funded early education and care for children and families in the Spring Budget, National Day Nurseries Association (NDNA) has found providers need urgent support with staffing and that all promised funding must reach the front-line, if they are to deliver this policy. This is such a crucial time for… Continue reading Childcare expansion: success or failure depends on government support

New First Minister elected and Education appointments made

Scottish National Party members elected MP for Glasgow Pollok, Humza Yousaf, as their new leader, who was officially sworn in as First Minister last week (29 March). During his campaign to become First Minister, Mr Yousaf suggested he would pursue an expansion of the current childcare offer. NDNA Scotland’s Chief Executive Purnima Tanuku OBE responded… Continue reading New First Minister elected and Education appointments made

Scottish Government consultation report suggests improvements

The Scottish Government has published its response and findings of the Consultation on Inspection of Early Learning and Childcare (ELC) and School Age Childcare Services in Scotland. The report reflected providers’ concerns about the inspection process and echoed their desires for a more streamlined system, with greater clarity, that could be supportive and reduce burdens… Continue reading Scottish Government consultation report suggests improvements

NDNA partners with Hope to secure more discounts for nurseries

National Day Nurseries Association (NDNA) is announcing a new commercial partnership with educational resources supplier Hope. The partnership with Hope, part of the Findel family of brands, will offer new benefits for NDNA members including discounts on over 32,000 products. Hope is the home of everything nurseries need for their settings. From role play and… Continue reading NDNA partners with Hope to secure more discounts for nurseries

Meet the Minister at NDNA’s Annual Nursery Conference

Children, Families and Wellbeing Minister Claire Coutinho will be attending National Day Nurseries Association (NDNA)’s conference in June. The MP for East Surrey, whose brief includes early years and childcare, will be delivering her keynote speech at the Shaping the Future of Childcare: Making the First Five Years Count conference on Friday 9 June. Delegates… Continue reading Meet the Minister at NDNA’s Annual Nursery Conference

Wales nursery crisis: 88% expect to make a loss or break even

Rising costs are putting increasing pressure on private and voluntary nurseries in Wales as National Day Nurseries Association (NDNA) Cymru reveals its latest survey findings. With staffing costs increasing in the average nursery by 15% from April, only 11.5% of nurseries expect to make any form of surplus in the coming year. The vast majority… Continue reading Wales nursery crisis: 88% expect to make a loss or break even

NDNA respond to Government’s ratio consultation findings

The Government has published the findings of their consultation into changing adult:child ratios for two-year-olds. It found that the majority (70%) would be unlikely to change their provision if ratio requirements were relaxed, of which 45% saying they would be very unlikely. Despite the overwhelming response from the sector, the Chancellor announced changes to the… Continue reading NDNA respond to Government’s ratio consultation findings

ELC charities write to SNP Leadership candidates to continue to prioritise ELC

NDNA have sent a joint letter with Early Years Scotland (EYS) and Care and Learning Alliance (CALA) to the three candidates for the SNP Leadership and First Minister. The letter to Kate Forbes, MSP for Skye, Lochaber and Badenoch; Humza Yousaf, MSP for Glasgow Pollok; and Ash Regan, MSP for Edinburgh Eastern, highlights the collective… Continue reading ELC charities write to SNP Leadership candidates to continue to prioritise ELC

NDNA respond to Chancellor’s Spring Budget

All children over the age of nine months will be entitled to 30 hours of funded childcare, the Chancellor announced in his Budget today in a bid to get more parents into the workforce. An additional £204m will be invested in September to increase the current hourly funding rate for the existing 30 hours scheme… Continue reading NDNA respond to Chancellor’s Spring Budget

Childcare crisis: business rates bills shoot up by 40% for nurseries

A national early years charity calls on the Chancellor to make nurseries exempt from paying unfair business rates as a poll shows their average bill is 40% higher from April. Ahead of the Budget, National Day Nurseries Association (NDNA) can reveal that once the new rates revaluations start in April, the average nursery will pay… Continue reading Childcare crisis: business rates bills shoot up by 40% for nurseries

Childcare crisis: 98.4% of nurseries losing £1000s due to funding shortfall

Government’s underfunding of childcare places in England has led to an 87% increase in nursery closures, with the average setting losing more than £32,000 a year just for their 15-hour funded places for three and four-year-olds. This figure can be doubled for nurseries with children on the 30-hour offer, which National Day Nurseries Association (NDNA)… Continue reading Childcare crisis: 98.4% of nurseries losing £1000s due to funding shortfall

Women 7 times more likely to be out of work due to caring commitments: TUC finds

The analysis of official statistics – published at the annual Trades Union Congress women’s conference (8 March) – finds that more than 1.46 million women are unable to work alongside their family commitments, compared to around 230,000 men. New TUC analysis finds more than 1.46 million women are kept out of the labour market because… Continue reading Women 7 times more likely to be out of work due to caring commitments: TUC finds

Parents plan to have less children due to spiralling childcare costs

New research from smart money app Plum has laid bare the painful choices parents are having to make in the wake of spiralling childcare bills. 2 out of 3 parents are delaying having or will not have another child due to high childcare costs. A similar proportion also say high costs have affected their working habits.… Continue reading Parents plan to have less children due to spiralling childcare costs

Consensus of MPs at Parliamentary childcare debate

Another debate on the affordability and availability of childcare took place in Parliament this week, spearheaded by Ruth Cadbury, Labour MP for Brentford and Isleworth. MPs of all parties discussed the challenges facing families and providers. Stella Creasy MP for Walthamstow gave a rousing speech at the Westminster Hall debate, saying: “Millions of mums are… Continue reading Consensus of MPs at Parliamentary childcare debate

NDNA and Sector give evidence to Education Committee

The Education Select Committee, on 21 February, heard evidence from childcare providers from across England on the challenges facing the sector as part of their inquiry into ‘Support for Childcare and the Early Years’. NDNA facilitated some members to be able to give evidence in person, share their experiences and have their voices heard. MPs… Continue reading NDNA and Sector give evidence to Education Committee

Minister disputes that the ELC sector is in crisis

A debate in Holyrood initiated by Scottish Conservatives discussed the future of early learning and childcare in Scotland. The Minister for Children and Young People Clare Haughey rejected claims from MSPs that the ELC sector was in crisis. Ministers discussed funded childcare in light of concerns raised by nurseries on the unfairness of the 1,140 hours… Continue reading Minister disputes that the ELC sector is in crisis

“Beat the Budget” tickets for NDNA’s Annual Nursery Conference

Today (17 Jan) National Day Nurseries Association (NDNA) launches its annual national nursery conference with reduced price tickets. A total of 50 cheaper “Beat the Budget” tickets for the Shaping the Future of Childcare: Making the First Five Years Count conference on Friday 9 June are available on a first come first served basis. Half… Continue reading “Beat the Budget” tickets for NDNA’s Annual Nursery Conference

NDNA launches cost of delivery survey for nurseries

NDNA is asking the nursery and  early years sector across England, Scotland and Wales to fill in a short survey asking key questions to see the impact of rising costs on childcare businesses and charities. As providers face a number of pressures the design of the survey has been cut down to minimise the number… Continue reading NDNA launches cost of delivery survey for nurseries

Official reports show pressure building on early years providers

New statistics released by DfE and Ofsted on the Early Years sector this reveal that recruitment and retention crisis remains prevalent while nurseries remain determined to keeping rising costs away from parents and support their children. The Department for Education’s annual Childcare and Early Years Provider Survey 2022 gives insights into childcare and early years… Continue reading Official reports show pressure building on early years providers