Activity and tip of the week

Disclaimer: Activities with children must always be risk assessed, including for allergies or choking. Children must always have adequate supervision. Resources and materials must always be appropriate for children’s age and stage of development.

Glorious gloop

Activity of the week


Giving children the time and space to play with and explore a variety of materials, textures, sights, and sounds will help them to make sense of the world around them. This activity is great for exploring unusual textures.

Learning aims

  • To begin to understand the difference between a liquid and a solid
  • To hear, and maybe use, describing words
  • Use all the senses to explore the mixture.


Glorious gloop

Provision for part-time children

Tip of the week


Ensuring that children who attend nursery part-time receive a high quality, balanced offering is essential to meeting their needs as well as experiencing a wide range of opportunities.

Thoroughly consider timetables, menus and individual children’s needs in order to fully support those who attend nursery on a part-time basis. Here are some top tips to help:

Provision for part-time children

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