Childcare crisis: 98.4% of nurseries losing £1000s due to funding shortfall

Government’s underfunding of childcare places in England has led to an 87% increase in nursery closures, with the average setting losing more than £32,000 a year just for their 15-hour funded places for three and four-year-olds. This figure can be doubled for nurseries with children on the 30-hour offer, which National Day Nurseries Association (NDNA)… Continue reading Childcare crisis: 98.4% of nurseries losing £1000s due to funding shortfall

Many Scottish nurseries suffering real terms cut in ELC funding rates despite increased costs

Almost one in five Scottish local authorities will not be increasing their hourly early learning and childcare funding rates for three to five-year-old’s once the 1140 hours policy is mandatory from August. NDNA Scotland put out an FOI to all Scottish local authorities asking what they will be paying childcare providers for the 1140 hour… Continue reading Many Scottish nurseries suffering real terms cut in ELC funding rates despite increased costs

MPs – Early years catch-up premium needed struggling sector

The APPG for Childcare and Early Education, of which the National Day Nurseries Association (NDNA) is a sponsor, calls for the Government to provide almost £3,000 per child to tackle underfunding. A cross-party group of parliamentarians has today called on the Government to use the Spending Review to address funding shortages in the early years… Continue reading MPs – Early years catch-up premium needed struggling sector

Unprecedented coalition urges Govt rethink of recovery plans for children

NDNA is part of a cross-sector group of educationalists, charities, business leaders, unions and young people who have urged the Government to reconsider its pandemic recovery measures for children and young people, asking them to urgently boost investment. In two separate letters to the Prime Minister, coordinated by Fair Education Alliance and the National Children’s… Continue reading Unprecedented coalition urges Govt rethink of recovery plans for children

Government is underfunding us – 95% of nurseries say

A comprehensive survey probing private, voluntary and independent nurseries’ financial sustainability has uncovered a dire picture with 85% of childcare businesses in England making a loss or only breaking even. Ahead of the Comprehensive Spending Review, National Day Nurseries Association (NDNA) reveals the shocking landscape in which nurseries and childcare settings are operating, with 95%… Continue reading Government is underfunding us – 95% of nurseries say