Millions in early years funding not reaching providers to support families

Three quarters of local education authorities (LEAs) in England have reported underspending their Government funding for childcare places, another investigation by National Day Nurseries Association (NDNA) reveals. Despite raising this issue a year ago with the Treasury and the Department for Education, with promises from the Government to look into the issue, millions of pounds… Continue reading Millions in early years funding not reaching providers to support families

Unprecedented coalition urges Govt rethink of recovery plans for children

NDNA is part of a cross-sector group of educationalists, charities, business leaders, unions and young people who have urged the Government to reconsider its pandemic recovery measures for children and young people, asking them to urgently boost investment. In two separate letters to the Prime Minister, coordinated by Fair Education Alliance and the National Children’s… Continue reading Unprecedented coalition urges Govt rethink of recovery plans for children

Reducing ratios newspaper article – NDNA’s response

A front page article in the Telegraph on Saturday suggested that the Government is looking at reducing ratios of children to adults in childcare settings in England. The article – which gave no named sources for this information – said that “education officials” argued that this would drive childcare costs down for parents. Having been on the… Continue reading Reducing ratios newspaper article – NDNA’s response