Welsh language in nurseries and early years

Support for implementing Welsh language in nurseries and early years.

At NDNA Cymru we have a wide range of  factsheets and resources that can support with introducing and implementing Welsh in your setting.

The Welsh Language Team can provide one-to-one, face-to-face, email, phone call or video call support to help with Camau, a Work Welsh course bespoke to the childcare and early years sector. We are happy to provide bespoke support to help you and your team on your Welsh language journey

We have a closed, private Facebook group that includes sentences of the week, songs and stories. We also provide information about key dates in Wales. Join our group here: NDNA Cymru: Dysgu Cymraeg

Along with celebrating key dates through the Facebook page we also do this through holding webinars, our webinars are also held for group sessions such as story time.  

As well as live story and song sessions we provide Welsh story resource packs once a month to settings who have requested these.

We also share Welsh songs, stories and learning opportunities on NDNA Cymru’s Instagram page, you can follow us here: https://www.instagram.com/ndnacymru/

We are able to support with achieving the Welsh promise which helps you to work towards delivering the Active offer.    

Why Welsh?

Translation available in video description

Why Welsh video screen

NDNA Accident forms bilingual

NDNA Cymru have bilingual accident forms that are easy to follow for Welsh speakers and non-Welsh speakers. Take a look at how easy they are to use in this short video.

Buy it here

Risky Play

Take a look at how easy they are to use in this short video.

Buy it here

Welsh language posters

Camau Welsh language training


Camau provides a range of online, self-study courses which are bespoke to the early years, childcare and playwork sector.  

There are Entry, Foundation and Intermediate courses available, so you choose the level that’s right for you. 

Find out more

The Welsh Promise

The Welsh Promise is a way for you to increase the use of Welsh.


You will be able to demonstrate how you are working towards the Active Offer, breaking the work down into manageable bite-sized sections. 

The Active Offer and introducing the Welsh language can seem like a daunting process but the Welsh Promise provides your setting with a step-by-step guide to work towards this, without getting too overwhelmed. 

Download free Welsh Promise factsheet. Download free Active Offer factsheet.


Welsh Promise factsheet

Cymraeg 2050

Summer 2017 saw the launch of Cymraeg 2050. 


The work is ongoing. In their most recent action plan, Welsh Government stated:

“We’ll continue to focus on these principles as we work across the Government’s policy areas, paying particular attention this year to the following

  • Continuing to focus on Welsh language transmission in the home and ensure an increase in Welsh-medium provision for the early years and the Childcare Offer. 
  • Developing the Welsh-medium workforce, especially in education and the early years”.

The Welsh Government funds NDNA Cymru and CWLWM partners to support the early years workforce with the Welsh language, as well as supporting those who embark on the Camau courses. Camau offers specific Work Welsh courses for the early years, childcare and playwork workforce. 

You can read the Welsh Government strategy action plan for 2024-2025 here 

Welsh language strategy and plans 

Cymraeg 2050: Welsh language strategy action plan 2023 to 2024 

Cymraeg 2050: Welsh language strategy action plan 2022 to 2023 

Find out more

Welsh language video translations

NDNA Cymru has a host of Welsh language video translations to support you.


Here is a selection of videos including general translations, that will help childcare and early years teams to implement Welsh with colleagues, service users and other organizations, along with videos of activities, songs and stories that can be used with the children within the setting.


Find out more

Welsh language resources

NDNA Cymru has a host of Welsh language resources to support you.  

Access our NDNA Cymru shop for free bilingual factsheets and bilingual policies and procedures below.  

Please email [email protected] for the link to join our webinars. /

Training opportunities 

If you need more support please contact the NDNA Cymru team:

NDNA Cymru members can also contact NDNA’s Welsh Language Development Manager for specific queries or support through;

  • Phone – 01824 707823 Ext 267
  • Email – [email protected]
  • Showcase sessions – Email the team on the above address to book a time that best suits you.