Risky Play – Wales online course

£8.50 VAT Exempt

or £5.50 for members. Become a member

This bilingual ‘The Benefits of Risky Play – Wales only’ online course will develop your knowledge and understanding of the benefits of risky play to the life-long learning and development of children.

Please use a unique email address for each attendee.


What will I learn?

This bite-sized online course will help you understand what risky play is and the benefits of age-appropriate risky play to children’s development.

Key topics:

  • Definition of risky play
  • How regulatory bodies recognise risky play as an important part of childcare practice
  • Benefits of risky play to individual development and for life-long skills
  • Planning and providing an environment that supports risky play
  • Your role in supporting age-appropriate risky play opportunities
  • Finding positive solutions to challenges and barriers after reflecting on your practice.

Duration: 1.5 hours

Access this course from as little as £2.50 with our Short Course Training Bundle

Important information

After purchasing this course, you will receive a separate email within 1 working day containing your enrolment key and instructions for accessing the course.

Enrolment keys provided by NDNA are intended for single, individual use in conjunction with a valid NDNA Development Zone account. The enrolment period for online courses is 180 days from first use. Keys are non-transferable once purchased and no refunds can be given once the key has been used to access a course.

Cymru yn unig – Chwarae Mentrus

Bydd y cwrs ar-lein dwyieithog yma yn datblygu eich gwybodaeth a’ch dealltwriaeth o fanteision chwarae mentrus i ddysgu a datblygiad plant gydol oes.

Beth fydda i’n ei ddysgu?

Bydd y cwrs ar-lein brathiad yma yn eich helpu i ddeall beth yw chwarae mentus ar fanteision sy’n briodol i’w hoedran i ddatblygiad plant.

Pynciau Allweddol:
• Diffiniadau chwarae mentrus
• Sut mae’r cyrff rheoleiddio yn adnabod chwarae mentrus fel rhan bwysig o ymarfer gofal plant
• Manteision o chwarae mentrus i ddatblygiad unigol ac at sgiliau hir oes
• Cynllunio a darparu amgylchedd sy’n cefnogi chwarae mentrus
• Eich rôl wrth gefnogi cyfleoedd chwarae mentrus sy’n briodol i’w hoedran
• Dod o hyd i atebion cadarnhaol i heriau a rhwystrau ar ôl myfyrio ar eich ymarfer.

Parhad: 1 awr

Oeddech chi’n gwybod y gallwch gael mynediad i’r cwrs yma o gyn lleied â £2.50 gyda’n bwndel hyfforddi ar-lein byr Gymru? Am fwy o fanylion, gwasgwch ar y linc – Find out more here

Mae allweddi cofrestru a ddarperir gan NDNA wedi’u bwriadu ar gyfer defnydd unigol, unigol ar y cyd â chyfrif Parth Datblygu NDNA dilys. Mae’r cyfnod cofrestru ar gyfer cyrsiau ar-lein yn 180 diwrnod o’r defnydd cyntaf. Nid oes modd trosglwyddo allweddi ar ôl eu prynu ac ni ellir rhoi ad-daliadau unwaith y bydd yr allwedd wedi’i defnyddio i gael mynediad at gwrs. Ar ôl prynu cwrs, byddwch yn derbyn e-bost o fewn un diwrnod gwaith gyda’ch allwedd cofrestru a’ch cyfarwyddiadau ar gyfer cael mynediad i’r cwrs.