Videos: translations for early years Welsh language

Here is a selection of videos including general translations, that will help childcare and early years teams to implement Welsh with colleagues, service users and other organizations, along with videos of activities, songs and stories that can be used with the children within the setting.

Dyma nifer o fideos sydd yn cynnwys cyfieithiadau syml fydd yn helpi staff i ddefnyddio’r iaith Gymraeg gyda chydweithwyr, ddefnyddwyr y gwasanaeth a sefydliadau arall, hefyd dyma fideos o ganeuon a straeon gall cael ei ddefnyddio gyda phlant y sefydliad.

General translations

(x5 videos)


Song translations

(x7 videos)

“Our children have had a fantastic morning joining in with NDNA Cymru’s Sing-a-long session via Zoom through our interactive smart board! The session was a big hit with the children as they enjoyed singing lots of Welsh songs with their friends.” – Beach House

Story translations

(x10 videos)

Story and song time

(x5 videos)

Welsh story and song time

Welsh language activities

(x8 videos)

welsh language early years activities video image

National thank you day

Key dates in the annual calendar

(x6 videos)