For nursery settings in all UK nations, the rise in national insurance contributions (NICs) and staffing costs will drastically impact their setting, putting them under huge financial pressure.

Sustainability and Budget Impact Survey 2025

If you own or manage a nursery in the UK, please help us to lobby Government for support to ensure you remain sustainable. We need to present evidence on how the decision to increase employer National Insurance Contributions will impact on nurseries and consequently on parents and children.

Please help us to be your voice by filling in this short survey about funding, costs, fees and business performance. Deadline for submitting this vital information to us is 31 January. Thank you.

Childcare in the UK is underfunded

Children are ultimately the ones who will suffer.

The continuous underfunding of the early years sector cannot go on. The Government must put our children at the heart of their agenda and decision-making.

Higher parent fees

The shortfall in government funding puts unbearable financial pressure on settings and will force these costs on to parents.  From September the Government will be buying 80% of all childcare in England. The sector will be paying on average 11% more in wages/staffing costs from April, or around £2000-£2500 per staff member.

Higher employer costs

Higher employer costs mean that nurseries are more likely to freeze staff recruitment, be less able to offer pay differentials to better qualified staff and offer fewer incentives for staff to stay employed. Fewer staff members means nurseries can’t provide the number of places required to meet demand.

More nursery closures

The combination of all these factors will be the last straw for some nurseries which will result in more settings closing rather than expanding to meet expected demand. All three Governments must act urgently to exempt all private and voluntary early years providers from paying the National Insurance Contribution increases.

Childcare in the UK is underfunded

Join our week of action

We need your help. Join our week of action from 10-14 February where together we want to fight for better outcomes for nurseries as one stronger voice.

What you need to do

Download our 10 steps to stop underfunded childcare below. Download, print out and fill in the underfunded childcare posters and place these in areas where parents and carers will see them. Share the 8 steps to underfunded childcare graphic with parents and encourage both parents and staff to take pictures with the posters, sharing these on social media and tagging in your local MP. We want nurseries to get creative and tell us what you love about your job and share these messages with the hashtag #underfundedchildcare. We encourage you to invite your local MP to your nursery during the week of action, share your passion for the early years sector and get them involved with parents, children and staff. Together we can be a stronger voice to help influence change for the better.

Join our week of action

Nurseries – we need your help.

Here’s what we need you to do. See our 10 steps to stop underfunded childcare with your downloadable assets below.

Additionally, save the image below, ‘8 steps to stop underfunded childcare’, and share it with parents and carers of your nursery via your social media channels, email lists or your nursery management system. The more parents and carers we have supporting the need for more nursery funding, the bigger voice we have. Together, we can make change and give nurseries a stronger voice.

Download your campaign poster and social imagery

The ’10 steps to stop underfunded childcare’ asks nurseries to download the posters below and display whichever they are comfortable with in high footfall areas of your nursery. Let parents and carers know you are taking part by sharing the social imagery on your social media channels.

Why not contact your MP and parents?

Use our MP and parent letter templates to voice your concerns and fight for better outcomes for nurseries, families and children.

Parents and carers can learn more about the value of early childhood education and care with our parent resources here.

Download and share your campaign infographics

Download our campaign imagery and share these on your social media channels to shout loud about why it’s crucial changes are made for nurseries.

  • You could use the email banner in your email signature and link to our page
  • Why not upload the graphics to social media and share why it’s important nurseries are adequately funded?
  • You can share the infographics on your nursery management system with parents and carers.

Download and share your infographic posters

Download our campaign posters and display them on your parent board or entrance to shout loud about why it’s crucial changes are made for nurseries.