PANCo Training Qualification Supports Prevention of Obesity in Early Years

Launching this week, NDNA’s PANCo training, qualification and specialist role promotes positive nutrition and physical activity to support the prevention of obesity within early years settings. A PANCo (Physical Activity and Nutrition Co-ordinator), is a named and qualified member of staff who leads on the health and well-being within an early years setting, champions best… Continue reading PANCo Training Qualification Supports Prevention of Obesity in Early Years

Childcare expansion: Urgent Budget boost needed to deliver on Government’s plans  

Text sign showing And The Survey Says.... Conceptual photo doing poll and bring the results discuss with others Symbols speaker alarming warning sound indications idea announcement

Government funding for the existing childcare offer is not keeping pace with rising costs, with wage bills up by 14.4% from April compared with a 4.6% rise in funding rates.  National Day Nurseries Association (NDNA) surveyed respondents across 448 private, voluntary and independent nurseries in England and discovered that the funding rate rise in April… Continue reading Childcare expansion: Urgent Budget boost needed to deliver on Government’s plans  

DfE launches recruitment campaign and incentive payments for early years

A major new national recruitment campaign has been launched by the Department for Education today (Friday 2nd February) alongside a trial of £1,000 cash sign-on bonuses. The Government released their latest data that showed that 102,480 children have been registered on the system, “reflecting the strength of demand across the country before the first phase of… Continue reading DfE launches recruitment campaign and incentive payments for early years

Childcare Expansion:DfE will give temporary reconfirmation codes to parents who need them

Following discussions with the DfE regarding parents who won’t receive their reconfirmation codes until March, there will be a temporary fix to the problem. Some parents who reconfirmed their Tax-Free Childcare account in November or December will not receive their code for their two-year-old place until too late to reserve a place. The DfE will… Continue reading Childcare Expansion:DfE will give temporary reconfirmation codes to parents who need them

Government will fund 26 weeks for under twos costing around £120 million

The DfE confirmed to NDNA in a meeting yesterday that they would be adding an additional £120 million approximately to the overall funding allocation for the under twos entitlement from September 2024. This additional money was because some local authorities would be funding 26 weeks for the autumn 2024 and spring 2025 terms, rather than… Continue reading Government will fund 26 weeks for under twos costing around £120 million

Important Ofsted Updates

Changes to the Early years inspection handbook Ofsted have issued an update to the Early years inspection handbook to reflect the changes to the way the organisation works. Additional clarity has been added to the way that inspectors will conduct themselves during inspections and in the pre-inspection call, where deferrals and pressures on settings can… Continue reading Important Ofsted Updates

Minister welcomes Millie’s Mark accreditation to Wales

Julie Morgan MS, Deputy Minister for Social Services visited the first nursery in Wales to be awarded Millie’s Mark accreditation, with the hope more settings in Wales will consider working towards this valuable accreditation. Millie’s Mark is the gold standard in paediatric first aid for childcare providers. National Day Nurseries Association (NDNA) have worked with… Continue reading Minister welcomes Millie’s Mark accreditation to Wales

Provider survey 2023 results – more staff leaving and more apprentices in settings

The DfE has published its annual early years provider survey which shows a fall in the numbers of providers and also in qualified staff. Overall statistics are showing a 4% increase in early years professionals across all types of providers but this could be partly accounted for by an increase in apprentices. While more apprentices… Continue reading Provider survey 2023 results – more staff leaving and more apprentices in settings

Funding rates 2024-25: Average rate increase lower than wages rise

The Government has announced the funding rates from April 2024-25 and also set out its response to the funding consultation regarding two-year-old places. Parents can apply for a 15-hour place for their two-year-old from 2 January, which the Government describes as: “the first step in the government’s long-term plan to give working families a brighter… Continue reading Funding rates 2024-25: Average rate increase lower than wages rise

One in five unqualified: Ofsted publishes annual report

Business graphs and charts on table. Financial development, Banking Account, Statistics

In her seventh and final Annual Report as Chief Inspector, Amanda Spielman highlights both the progress of Ofsted as well as acknowledging the current challenges the sector faces.  Challenges include a less qualified workforce; difficulties in recruiting and retaining; more children presenting with additional needs and a lack of training to support them as well… Continue reading One in five unqualified: Ofsted publishes annual report

National Living Wage will rise to £11.44 per hour from April 2024

Midsection of businessman stacking euro coins at office desk

From next April the National Living Wage will rise to £11.44 per hour from £10.42, a rise over more than £1 and the largest ever cash increase to the minimum wage.  The current rate of £10.42 applies to workers over 23, but the Chancellor has announced that the rate will also  apply to 21 and… Continue reading National Living Wage will rise to £11.44 per hour from April 2024

Government biggest childcare investment promise amounts to just a few pence

The Government’s grand childcare funding announcement has left providers with a very small increase, averaging just 32p per hour for three and four-year-olds. When Education Secretary Gillian Keegan announced the £204m additional funding to increase hourly rates from September, this was heralded as supporting childcare providers to get ready for the big expansion of funded… Continue reading Government biggest childcare investment promise amounts to just a few pence

Workforce crisis puts Government’s plans to expand ‘free childcare’ at risk

A new report published by the Early Education and Childcare Coalition and the University of Leeds warns that the governments planned expansion of funded childcare hours is at risk of not being delivered due to a workforce crisis.  The report, ‘Retention and return: delivering the expansion of early years entitlement in England’, reveals that 57… Continue reading Workforce crisis puts Government’s plans to expand ‘free childcare’ at risk

Early years maths and language champions programmes receive funding across Greater London  

Two professional development programmes designed by NDNA aimed at increasing practitioner skills, knowledge and confidence in delivering early maths, language and communication have secured funding for 18 London boroughs.    The main beneficiaries will be disadvantaged children aged two to five-years-old across Greater London.   Supported by the Mercers’ Company as trustee of the Charity of Sir… Continue reading Early years maths and language champions programmes receive funding across Greater London  

Message from DfE: ‘T Levels are not being dropped.’

The DfE have written to educational ambassadors requesting they spread the message that ‘T Levels are not being dropped or de-prioritised’.   The DfE are concerned that without the Industry Placement element of the qualification the thousands of T Level students who are currently studying, and those who plan to in the future, will not… Continue reading Message from DfE: ‘T Levels are not being dropped.’

MPs from the Backbench Business Committee held a debate on support for childcare and the early years.

Robin Walker, Conservative MP for Worcester and Chairman of the Education Committee proposed the debate on early education and childcare. Opening the debate on 16th October, he said: “As the parent of a five-year-old and two-year-old… there is probably no single subject more vital to the future success of our children than their earliest experiences… Continue reading MPs from the Backbench Business Committee held a debate on support for childcare and the early years.

NDNA at Party Conferences: Labour Party Conference round up

NDNA “Building the Future: A Blueprint for Early Education and Childcare”

It could be the last time Keir Starmer addresses his party before the next general election and NDNA were in Liverpool to see Labour ministers take to the stage to announce their vision for early education and childcare. NDNA hosted its own event to present a Blueprint for Early Education and Childcare which included a… Continue reading NDNA at Party Conferences: Labour Party Conference round up

NDNA at Party Conferences: Conservative Party Conference round up

England, UK. 2.10.2023. Manchester. Conservative Party Conference, Monday. Licensed to NDNA for editorial and PR use, all other rights reserved. Copyright © 2023 Andrew Wiard W: E: [email protected] Andrew Wiard the author of this work hereby asserts his moral right to be identified as the creator in accordance with the Copyright Designs & Patents Act 1988.

With a general election on the horizon NDNA were at the forefront of the recent Conservative Party conference, speaking to politicians and policy makers about the future of early education and childcare. NDNA’s CEO Purnima Tanuku OBE, spoke at fringe events including a panel discussion hosted by the Early Education and Childcare Coalition’s event. NDNA… Continue reading NDNA at Party Conferences: Conservative Party Conference round up

Thousands more staff needed in early years sector to meet demand

Staffing shortages is shown using a text

Recent research by the innovation charity Nesta shows that the early years sector needs an additional 27,500 practitioners to deliver the expansion of free childcare hours to under-3s, announced in the Spring Budget 2023.  This represents an increase in demand of 8% and further challenges an over-burdened sector that has lost 3% of the workforce… Continue reading Thousands more staff needed in early years sector to meet demand

MP visits nursery awarded 1000th Millie’s Mark accreditation 

Mary Robinson MP for Cheadle visited the nursery which was awarded the 1000th Millie’s Mark in July.  Millie’s Mark is the gold standard in paediatric first aid for early years settings across England and Scotland. Since it was launched in 2016, more than 1000 nurseries and other early years settings have now achieved the mark… Continue reading MP visits nursery awarded 1000th Millie’s Mark accreditation