A further 800 settings to benefit from successful early maths intervention
Thousands of children in 800 early years settings across England will be able to benefit from an effective early maths intervention.
Thanks to Education Endowment Foundation (EEF) and the Department for Education’s Accelerator funding, practitioners in 800 additional nurseries, nursery schools and pre-schools will be able to participate in the Maths Champions Programme.
National Day Nurseries Association (NDNA) has developed the Maths Champions Programme over the last ten years, a professional development programme aimed at boosting early years practitioner skills, knowledge and confidence in support children with their early maths learning.

In July, EEF unveiled new analysis which showed that children in settings which have participated in Maths Champions sustained additional progress in both maths and language development by the end of reception class. This progress is likely to be further enhanced for those children from disadvantaged backgrounds.
Stella Ziolkowski, NDNA’s Director of Quality and Training said: “We are delighted that NDNA’s Maths Champions Programme will be receiving additional funding from EEF via DfE’s Accelerator funds. This will enable thousands of children from another 800 early years settings to benefit from the enhanced learning environment that the programme brings.
“The crucial aspect of the Maths Champions Programme which makes it so effective is the enhanced confidence that practitioners in the setting develop in their own maths abilities. As a result, they pass this learning and knowledge onto the children and also their parents and carers. They create more opportunities to support children to develop their own love of maths, which unlocks huge potential for their future learning and wellbeing.
“Children who appeared to make the most progress as a result of this intervention were from disadvantaged backgrounds. Programmes like Maths Champions will be a significant tool in reducing the attainment gap and supporting all children’s life chances.
“We look forward to working with the Secretary of State for Education Bridget Phillipson, who has expressed her enthusiasm for the programme on rolling out Maths Champions as widely as possible so all children can enjoy its long-lasting benefits.”

Earlier this year, a team from the University of York and Durham University looked at the development of children who had been on the Maths Champions programme by the time they finished their school reception year. The researchers revealed that these children’s development in maths and language was, on average, two months ahead of their peers who had not participated in the programme. This demonstrated that the three months of additional progress the children made by the end of the programme was largely sustained to the end of reception.
Children eligible for the Early Years Pupil Premium (EYPP) maintained six months of additional progress compared with their peers at the end of reception. This measure was less statistically reliable due to the small sample size, although still an extremely positive sign that development within this group of children was sustained.
Nurseries who enrol nominate a Maths Champion and a Deputy Maths Champion who lead the programme. They support, inspire and motivate the staff within their setting. They receive training over the course of 12 months including one-to-one support sessions from NDNA, bespoke online training courses, coaching, an observational assessment tool and play-based activities.
Maths Champions is currently being delivered to more than 605 settings across England through national fully funded programmes.
Between October 2024 and April 2025, NDNA will be recruiting 800 more nurseries (both PVI and maintained settings) to take part in the fully funded programme. To find out more about the programme and how it works visit our Maths Champions page .
Why not come along to one of our information sessions before signing up?
- England
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