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Promoting Positive Behaviour Quiz

Test your knowledge with our online Promoting Positive Behaviour quiz or download a pdf version to use in staff meetings below. For more support, access our ‘Promoting Positive Behaviour’ online course and ‘Promoting Positive Behaviour’ factsheet for nurseries. You can also download and share our free parent factsheet ‘A guide to Promoting Positive Behaviour’.

Safeguarding quiz

Test your knowledge with our online NDNA safeguarding quiz for early years providers or download a pdf version to use it in staff meetings below.

NDNA Food Hygiene Quiz

Test your knowledge with our online NDNA food hygiene quiz or download a pdf version to use in staff meetings below.

Best practice for children’s handovers at the door or outside nursery

Jane Malcolm, National Policy Manager for NDNA Scotland, writes about how to make door handovers as kind and caring as possible. The children in your nursery will all have experienced the pandemic in different ways. Children may have experienced illness in the family, parents suddenly at home much longer, they themselves unable to attend nursery… Continue reading Best practice for children’s handovers at the door or outside nursery


Test your knowledge and improve your practice with our range of free quizzes, written by early years experts for early years practitioners, aspiring managers, and those looking for a career in early years.

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Early years not recognised as key sector under self-isolation exemption

Updated Test and Trace guidance for the Workplace has been published identifying 16 key sectors that will be exempt from self-isolating should they come into contact with a positive case of Covid-19. The early education and childcare sector were not recognised, despite its vital role or the extreme pressures providers are under, and was not… Continue reading Early years not recognised as key sector under self-isolation exemption