Explore the two significant financial pressures alongside rising utility bills and our guidance below.
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Infection control for nurseries regarding coronavirus / COVID-19
Symptoms The main symptoms of coronavirus / COVID-19 are: A high temperature A new continuous cough A loss or a change to sense of smell or taste. The NHS has also added further possible symptoms of COVID-19: shortness of breath feeling tired or exhausted an aching body a headache a sore throat a blocked or… Continue reading Infection control for nurseries regarding coronavirus / COVID-19
Advertise in Nursery News magazine
Get your business in front of 6,500 early years decision makers and advertise in Nursery News magazine, the sector magazine for nurseries. See an example of our Nursery News membership magazine below. This bi-monthly magazine has a readership of 21,000 in the early years sector.
Nursery policies and procedures – FAQs
I need help with GDPR: The General Data Protection Act (GDPR) came in to force on 25 May 2018. You are now obliged to keep personal data and records safe, let people know why you have their data stored and for how long. Personal data includes any information which can identify a person including photos.… Continue reading Nursery policies and procedures – FAQs
Tax-Free Childcare: Guidance from Childcare Choices
Tax-Free Childcare is a new government scheme to help working parents with the cost of childcare. Enabling parents to work, or work more, if they want to. Working parents will be able to apply to open an online childcare account, and for every £8 they pay in the government will pay in £2, up to… Continue reading Tax-Free Childcare: Guidance from Childcare Choices
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