Encourage children to become sound explorers by creating a range of sounds using different objects.
Learning outcomes:

- Language development
- Make sounds with objects
- Tune into a range of sounds
- Listen to and enjoy a range of sounds.
The resources below are optional and will hopefully spark ideas of what can be used from your own resources in the nursery. Have a look around your rooms and think about what can be used to make sounds.
- Plastic bottles
- Lentils
- Kitchen utensils (pans/wooden spoons etc.)
- Musical instruments
- Pencils/table top
- Tins of buttons
- Chopsticks and an upturned plastic bowl
- Bubble wrap
- Crinkly paper.
Activity outline:
- Read the Maisy Goes to Nursery story and once complete look at the instruments that the children used in the story, discuss each one and if you have access to the instruments play them for the children to hear
- Look at the other resources together and ask the children to explore the resources to see if they can make a sound. Give children lots of time to explore the different sounds
- Talk about the sounds e.g. loud/quiet, harsh/soft
- Ask children to vote on their favourite sounds and why they like them
- Leave the children’s favourite sounds in the room so children can continue to explore the sounds.
Extension ideas:
- Use the different sounds to sing along to children’s favourite songs and rhymes
- Provide a tape recorder so children can record the different sounds and play them back
- Record the different sounds and see if children can identify what makes the sound.
© 1994-2021 Lucy Cousins
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