Woodwork in early years

There is something really special about woodwork in early years. It is so different from other activities. The smell and feel of wood, using real tools, working with a natural material, the sounds of hammering and sawing, hands and minds working together to express their imagination and to solve problems, the use of strength and… Continue reading Woodwork in early years

Animals and pets at nursery

They say never work with children and animals, but as we know, working with children is hugely rewarding – so how can a nursery integrate animals and keep nursery pets in its provision? While most early years settings will have toy animals there’s no substitute for the real thing. Interacting with and learning about live… Continue reading Animals and pets at nursery

Food allergies at nursery

With almost 1 in 12 children in the UK suffering from a food allergy, how can you be sure you are doing everything you can to accommodate food allergies at nursery? What is the best way to care for children with food allergies at nursery? How can you manage the juggling act of multiple allergies… Continue reading Food allergies at nursery

Toys or no toys at nursery?

More and more nurseries are beginning to reassess their use of certain or all toys in their setting. No toys – or no plastic toys – can mean new enriching learning opportunities for children and also benefits the environment. This is why, among other reasons, some nurseries have chosen to get rid of plastic toys,… Continue reading Toys or no toys at nursery?