Quality Counts: Certification Mark for nurseries

£1,176.00 VAT Exempt

or £984.00 for members. Become a member

Certification Mark is the full Quality Counts accreditation.


Reflect, review and improve your nursery practice to the highest quality standards with the Quality Counts Certification Mark.

Gain the full Quality Counts accreditation for nurseries with the Certification Mark.

This includes:

  • Access to an online system
  • Audit tool
  • Exemplification documents
  • An initial survey for staff to complete with a detailed analysis of the findings
  • Access to a mentor.

Duration: This scheme takes 12 months to complete.

Once your audit document is complete you will submit for an assessment and an independent assessor will visit your setting. Following this, the assessor’s recommendation will go to internal and external verification and a decision will be made to award your setting.Once awarded you will receive the Quality Counts logo to display on your website, email footer and stationery. You will also receive an awards pack which details further information about how to promote your award to existing and prospective parents as a business incentive.

Find out more about Quality Counts on the dedicated website here.

“NDNA’s new Quality Counts system for nurseries is very good. The audits, details and exemplifications were clear to use when making judgements and evaluating our practice.” – Hilary Sharples, Ashbridge School

If you wish to pay by monthly Direct Debit * please call the Quality Counts team on 01484 407070 to setup payments of £85 p/m. Quality Counts renewals receive 10% discount and can also be paid via Direct Debit. Please call the team to setup payments and your restart date. *Monthly Direct Debit is not available to international customers. Quality Counts extension fee: £116.00

More options in the Quality Counts journey include: Online Audit and Review