Childcare crisis: business rates bills shoot up by 40% for nurseries

A national early years charity calls on the Chancellor to make nurseries exempt from paying unfair business rates as a poll shows their average bill is 40% higher from April. Ahead of the Budget, National Day Nurseries Association (NDNA) can reveal that once the new rates revaluations start in April, the average nursery will pay… Continue reading Childcare crisis: business rates bills shoot up by 40% for nurseries

New childcare funding rates fall short of rocketing nursery costs

With childcare providers’ costs due to rise dramatically from April, the Government has today unveiled hourly funding rates which for nurseries in some local authorities will only rise by 1%. Following intense lobbying by National Day Nurseries Association (NDNA) and the early years sector in the wake of the Autumn Statement, the Government has agreed… Continue reading New childcare funding rates fall short of rocketing nursery costs

Autumn Statement: no additional support for nursery sector

Chancellor Jeremy Hunt gave his Autumn Statement in Parliament today announcing no sector-specific support for nursery businesses. From April 2023, the National Living Wage is set to rise again by 9.7%, with minimum wage for 21 and 22 year olds increasing by 10.9%. The education budget will increase by £2.3bn but there was no mention… Continue reading Autumn Statement: no additional support for nursery sector

Nurseries could pay staff more if they didn’t have to pay business rates

Nurseries in England would be able to pay staff more and reduce fee increases to parents if they did not have to pay unfair business rates, says National Day Nurseries Association (NDNA). NDNA, the voice of the sector, represents private and voluntary nurseries across England, Scotland and Wales. Childcare businesses in Scotland and Wales no… Continue reading Nurseries could pay staff more if they didn’t have to pay business rates

NDNA launches quick business rates poll for nurseries

NDNA has launched a snapshot survey for all private and voluntary nurseries in England who are eligible to pay business rates Access the survey here We campaign for better access to high-quality early education and care for children and this includes lobbying the Government for nurseries in England to be made exempt from paying business… Continue reading NDNA launches quick business rates poll for nurseries

LGA calls for significant funding rates increase

In its Spending Review submission, the Local Government Association (LGA) calls for a “significant increase in funding rates for early entitlements in all settings to enable the early years sector to reduce the disadvantage gap and allow all children the opportunity of the best possible start.”  The submission ahead of the Government’s Comprehensive Spending Review (CSR), due… Continue reading LGA calls for significant funding rates increase