Maths Champions Case Studies blocks

Maths Champions Case Studies and Feedback

Supporting improved outcomes for children through participation in the Maths Champions programme.

Private, voluntary, independent providers in England were chosen at random to take part (funded by the Education Endowment Foundation partnered with Department for Education) in the evaluation of the Maths Champions programme.

The key results were astounding:

  • Maths Champions is low cost but high confidence for impact and value for children.
  • Children in Maths Champions settings make three months additional progress in both maths and language development.
  • Evidence suggests EYPP children on Maths Champions programme could make up to six months additional progress in maths.
    Source: EEF

The nursery settings that were chosen at random to take part to evaluate the programme provided key feedback which NDNA are excited to share snippets of. (All quotes come directly from nurseries involved in the Maths Champions research trial)

Which elements of the Maths Champions programme had the biggest impact to your setting and how?

“I think the audits and actions plans had the most impact as it highlighted any weaknesses and enabled us to focus on addressing those. The children tracker was also really useful as it provided a tool for staff to use to support children’s math development.”
Leonard Stanley Early Years

“The core activities enabled us to try different maths activities with the children to deepen their understanding and staffs understanding of maths concepts and mathematical vocabulary.”
Orchard Primary Academy Nursery

How has your knowledge of supporting children’s mathematical development improved during the course of the programme?

“It has made us stand back and observe the children and how they are using maths so that we can then build upon that. It has led to many changes in our environment which has led to more maths being evident with the children independently and on how staff interact with children relating to maths. It has enabled staff to include more maths around Nursery where these opportunities may have been missed before.”
Thornton Primary School

“I am more confident in supporting maths through loose parts and open play. I am far more aware of how to support composition of numbers and have the knowledge to explain to others why this is important.”
Marcham Pre-school

How has participating in the programme had a beneficial impact on the staff in your setting?

“Staff members are more confident in teaching mathematics to the children and we feel the practitioners are more enthusiastic in planning activities focused around mathematics.”
Puddleducks day nursery

“It has made the staff more confident in using maths around the setting. It has led to better quality mathematical interactions and discussions between staff and children.”
Thornton Primary School

On reflection, what impact has participating in the programme had on the children in your setting?

Then children are using more mathematical language in their day to day play. It has had a big impact on tidying up routines as the children are more independent with this and use a lot of counting and sorting during this time. It has given us more ideas that we can do with the children which they are then continuing independently.
Thornton Primary School

“Children are able to express and articulate their mathematical thinking and they are confident to try without fear of being wrong. Children are able to work at their level while being supported by their peers in the environment. Children are enthusiastic about number and therefore they keen and eager to learn.”
Billesley Primary School

In terms of ongoing support during the programme how would you rate the contact you received from NDNA staff?

“There was always support when needed and i was often called to ask how things were going.”
Bright stars nursery

“I felt that the support was there when you needed it and you were able to ask for more support if necessary via email or telephone.”
Little Oaks

“Regular email contact was welcomed as was the webinars. I also knew they were on the end of the phone/email if I needed them”
Leonard Stanley Early Years

The overall experience of the Maths Champions programme

“The maths champions programme has given our setting a step in the right direction to supporting children with their early foundations of mathematical skills.”
Puddleducks day nursery

“After feeling apprehensive about where the programme was going to take us as a setting, we now feel empowered to implement and teach maths to all children.”
[Name withheld]

“Being involved in the Maths Champions programme has been an amazing experience and one which impact on the children and staff for years to come.”
Marcham Pre-school

Follow this link to find out more about the Maths Champions Programme.

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