Staff code of conduct – England

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The new Ofsted document published in August 2016 ´Inspecting safeguarding in early years, education and skills settings. Guidance for inspectors undertaking inspection under the common inspection framework’ has suggested that inspectors consider evidence that a staff behaviour policy is in place alongside the child protection one. NDNA have put an example template together and includes staff expectations and monitoring this.

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The Ofsted document published ´Inspecting safeguarding in early years, education and skills settings.

Guidance for inspectors undertaking inspection under the common inspection framework’ has suggested that inspectors consider evidence that a staff behaviour policy is in place alongside the child protection one.

NDNA have put an example template together and includes staff expectations and monitoring this.

NDNA members can download all of our policy and procedure templates – including this one – for free by logging in.

Please note that these are templates that you should adapt according to the needs of your setting. All information is correct at the date of publishing. Settings have the responsibility to ensure they are up to date with legislation in between each published update of the templates (usually January and July each year). We appreciate all settings are unique, so we recommend you read through each template carefully before making appropriate changes. The templates are in Word format so they are easy to personalise and brand.