This is a crucial period for nurseries, parents and children as the Government in England is looking at its spending plans for the next three years. Children born now will have their entire early education shaped by the decisions made this autumn.
We want early education and childcare to get the funding needed to be able to deliver the high quality service everyone wants for our children. For too many years, childcare places have been underfunded and this needs to change.
Over 112,000 have joined our call for reforming the way early years are funded, but the Government says it is ‘not currently planning a review’. We need MPs to see the value of you, your staff teams and your settings.
The Government has set out ambitions to ‘level-up’ across the country as well as investing in a ‘Plan For Jobs’. If we don’t invest in building children’s futures through early education and ensuring access to childcare places for parents retraining or returning to work, these ambitions will not be realised.
It is time to stop underfunding and #StartBuildingFutures.
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Ask your MP to meet you so you can tell them about the work you do and demonstrate how important you are to your children, their parents and the local community. Share our MP factsheet with them.