Activity and tip of the week

Disclaimer: Activities with children must always be risk assessed, including for allergies or choking. Children must always have adequate supervision. Resources and materials must always be appropriate for children’s age and stage of development.

Fruity flapjacks

Activity of the week


Make these delicious flapjacks and create a fun learning experience, as children watch the ingredients transform into tasty treats. Use the opportunity to talk about healthy eating habits, encouraging children to understand the benefits of choosing nutritious ingredients and enjoying them as part of a balanced diet.

Learning aims

  • Understanding of healthy eating habits
  • Vocabulary building
  • Fine motor skill development through measuring, mixing the ingredients
  • Confidence and enjoyment in making their own food.


Fruity flapjacks

Managing allergies

Tip of the week


It is essential to be aware of food allergies and intolerances. By prioritising awareness, maintaining clear communication, and practising vigilance, you can help ensure a safe and inclusive environment for all children and staff.

Here are some tips to support you:

Managing allergies

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