NDNA has a committed and enthusiastic member base representing day nurseries throughout Wales.

ndna cymru

What can NDNA Cymru do for you?

When you join NDNA, you’ll receive the support you need to develop your quality of care, and to run a healthy sustainable business, using the latest essential information, training and support:

  • Wales-specific policies and procedures for your nursery
  • Regular sector updates to ensure you don’t miss a thing
  • Support and advice to help you run a healthy and successful business
  • Access to discounted online and face to face training – designed by our early years experts.

We’re supporting nurseries in Wales by:

  • Working strategically with the Welsh Government and other agencies to address childcare issues in Wales
  • Developing relationships with local networks of nursery members
  • Providing you with information and support specific to nurseries in Wales
  • Providing continuous professional development to help nurseries grow as businesses
  • Working with local authorities to support day nurseries throughout Wales.

We have active member networks in local authority areas across the country. We are also a strategic partner to the Welsh Government, supporting policy development and the implementation of early learning and childcare strategy.

NDNA Cymru, works in partnership with four experienced childcare organisations as ‘Cwlwm’ (Childcare Wales Learning and Working Mutually).

Cwlwm’s supports the Welsh Government’s aim to ensure that families across Wales can access affordable, quality childcare providing innovative solutions to create flexible childcare and play opportunities to meet the needs of parents and their families.

How we’ve supported nurseries in Wales recently

Our Welsh Language Development Manager, Mollie Jones, has been delivering a number of free webinars to support you in embedding the Welsh Language within your setting. We are working with settings on the Welsh Promise to support you in evidencing your work towards the Active Offer. Find out more by clicking on the Welsh Language support tile below.

Our Early Years Education Officer, Hayley Grayson, continues to offer a range of professional learning and development opportunities to support members. Including providing information and support Early Childhood Play, Learning and Care (ECPLC) in Wales, curriculum and assessment.  These learning opportunities aim to support practitioners to understand how to develop appropriate learning environments and experiences that respond to children’s interests and engages them further in their learning and development.

Hayley can also offer member settings further support on a 1:1 basis to address concerns and provide an opportunity to ask questions and engage in reflective practice. As part of her role, Hayley also develops factsheets to support practitioners to understand and develop effective early years pedagogy that supports children’s learning and development.

Find out more by clicking on the Curriculum for Wales tile below.

More support for you

Curriculum for Wales 2022

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Free Welsh language support

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Welsh Government support and information

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Wales regulatory bodies

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Childcare Works project

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Cymru Case Studies

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Millie’s Mark: Peadiatic First Aid

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NDNA Cymru give effective representation of the sector

Owain Lloyd, Deputy Director Childcare, Welsh Government