Download and adapt 18 pre-written job descriptions for key roles within your nursery or childcare setting.
National Day Nurseries Association (NDNA) provides its members with a range of pre-written resources to save them time and allow them to focus on what they do best, caring for and educating children in early years. In addition to providing pre-written policies and procedures, NDNA is delighted to add 18 pre-written job descriptions for key roles within the nursery. We have also included interview questions for some of the key roles.
NDNA members can download the below templates for free:
- Job Description: Nursery Assistant (example)
- Job Description: Nursery Practitioner (example)
- Job Description: Baby/Under Twos Room Leader (example)
- Job Description: Two Year Olds Room Leader (example)
- Job Description: Pre-school Room Leader (example)
- Job Description: Early Years Professional (EYP)/Early Years Teacher (England only) (example)
- Job Description: Deputy Manager (example)
- Job Description: Nursery Manager (example)
- Job Description: Designated Safeguarding Lead/Person (example)
- Job Description: Special Educational Needs Co-ordinator (SENCO)/ Setting Additional Learning Needs Co-ordinator (Setting ALNCO) (example)
- Job Description: Inclusion Officer (example)
- Job Description: Promoting Positive Behaviour Officer (example)
- Job Description: Health and Safety Officer (example)
- Job Description: Playworker (example)
- Job Description: Playwork Leader/Co-ordinator (example)
- Job Description: Apprentice/Trainee (example)
- Job Description: Cleaner (example)
- Job Description: Cook (example)
- Interview Questions: Nursery Assistant (example)
- Interview Questions: Nursery Practitioner (2 – 3 year olds) (example)
- Interview Questions: Nursery Manager (example).
To order, please add the templates to the cart. Proceed to Checkout. You will have to enter a shipping address, but once you have completed the order you will see a screen that allows you to download the templates instantly to your computer. You will also be sent them in an email.