CACHE Level 4 Award Become a PANCo product image.

NCFE CACHE Level 4 Award: Become a PANCo.

The PANCo training programme is a well-being-in-action intervention that promotes positive nutrition and physical activity to support the prevention of obesity within early years settings. You will benchmark your setting against best practice in healthy eating and physical activity and make positive steps towards change with the bespoke Start life Well Assessment tool incorporated in to CACHE Level 4 Award: Become a PANCo.

As a qualified PANCo, you will learn how to:

-Develop your skills and confidence to become an agent of change
-Put physical activity and nutrition guidelines into practice
-Support parents and families with healthy eating and physical activity at home
-Analyse what will motivate and help people to make positive behaviour changes
-Embed physical literacy throughout your setting
-Develop children’s resilience and independence
-Help your setting to meet and exceed Ofsted’s expectations around the health and well-being of children, families and your team.
-Be a positive role model for healthy behaviours
-Build a reputation for being a setting that cares about the health and well-being of its children, families and team
-Support your team and parents to adopt active lifestyles.

NDNA member price: £200
Non-member price: £290



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Attendee #1

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