NDNA Scotland Policy Advisory Board advises the Strategic Board on policy issues. It is made up national and regional chairs and additional members with specific areas of expertise.
Purnima Tanuku OBE
Purnima, in conjunction with the Board, is responsible for the strategic direction of NDNA. Purnima represents members with Government, parliamentarians and local authorities, as well as sharing the views of nurseries in the national media. Since joining NDNA, she has focused on developing the charity’s infrastructure to support and represent the membership across the UK and was instrumental in the development of NDNA’s National Early Years Enterprise Centre. Purnima has a wealth of experience at senior executive level working with public, private and charitable organisations. In 2010 Purnima was awarded OBE for services to families.

Jonathan Broadbery
Jonathan is responsible for promoting the great work of our members and speaking on behalf of the sector, representing members to government officials, politicians and local authorities across the country. Jonathan also supports Purnima in meetings with parliamentarians across England, Scotland and Wales and also works with the press office in responding to the media about childcare developments and issues.

Jane Malcolm
Jane leads on NDNA’s contribution to policy development and guidance on the delivery of Early Learning and Childcare in Scotland, develops strategic partnerships and ensures there is an effective voice for the private and third sector. Jane also manages the NDNA Scotland team and goes on the telly from time to time.
Jane is currently completing her doctorate in Education from the University of Edinburgh and has over 20 years of experience working in Early Learning and Childcare in Scotland. Jane has been a childminder, a playgroup leader, a pre-school nursery manager and a lecturer, assessor and tutor in both Further Education and Higher Education, in Childhood Practice. Jane has a passion for ensuring children are able to realise their rights from the earliest age and is a strong advocate of high quality ELC.

East and Midlothian Network Chair – Fabrina Tavasolian
Edinburgh Network Chair – Sandy Towers
Sandy is the nursery director of a setting located in a suburb of Edinburgh, which has been open since 1997. What began as two members of staff and five children, has grown over the years to employing around 18 full-time staff and offering places to 59 children ranging from 3 months to 5 years. The nursery has the principal objective of providing meaningful pre-school education and childcare within a safe, friendly and caring nursery environment. Sandy who was previously a Chartered Accountant works alongside his wife, Marion, who prior to opening their own business was a Primary School teacher.
Falkirk Network Chair – Susan Hill
Susan is the Director of a private nursery in Falkirk which has been in operation for over 23 years and an active member of NDNA for more than 10 years. Susan is the chair of the Falkirk Network and joined the Policy Committee to be involved and share some of the challenges of the nursery sector.
Glasgow Network Chair – Melanie Mackin
Mel works between two settings of the family owned business and is the Managing Director of one of them. Mel has over 30 years’ experience in Childcare management (LLB, MEd and MBA) and currently also tries to raise issues from members in the South Lanarkshire area as they are without a network.
Highlands, Moray and Shetland Network Chair – Lianne Anderson
Stirling Network Chair – Mairi Clark
Mairi is Managing Director of two Montessori Nurseries one in Killearn and the other in Glasgow City Centre. Mairi has gathered a vast amount of experience having worked with Montessori Nurseries for 28 years.
Mairi is acutely aware that for the children of today must learn to be imaginative, communicative and creative thinkers. They need to have embedded in them curiosity, determination and the understanding that learning is not a dry, sterile activity but one full of opportunity and fulfilment.
Montessori Nurseries take children from 3 months to 5 years and help them grow into mindful, confident, independent individuals with an enduring love for learning.
West Lothian Network Chair – Andrew Carr
Co-Optee – Busy Bees Nursery Group – Karen Mackay
Karen Mackay is Head of External Affairs and Partnerships, engaging with Early Years partners from the private, public and voluntary sectors. She also works with membership organisations and civil servants to improve outcomes for children and their families. With over 35 years of experience Karen has been a head teacher of three schools, Ofsted Inspector, head of a local authority, Director of a national charity, DfE Advisor and MD of a multi academy trust.