Official reports show pressure building on early years providers

New statistics released by DfE and Ofsted on the Early Years sector this reveal that recruitment and retention crisis remains prevalent while nurseries remain determined to keeping rising costs away from parents and support their children. The Department for Education’s annual Childcare and Early Years Provider Survey 2022 gives insights into childcare and early years… Continue reading Official reports show pressure building on early years providers

Tax-Free Childcare: Parents only using half of accounts

The Government has published its latest statistics for Tax-Free Childcare showing that half of all open accounts are not even used. There was a dip in numbers of people using TFC in June but otherwise more people are using the support than previously. However, only 50% of open accounts were used in April which means… Continue reading Tax-Free Childcare: Parents only using half of accounts

TAX FREE CHILDCARE: Less than half of eligible families accessing support

HMRC have published the statistics on the usage of their Tax Free Childcare offer for the 2021/22 tax year. The Government scheme offers up to £2,000 a year per child towards childcare costs, including nursery provision. The latest statistics show that only around half of the estimated 1.3 million eligible families are accessing the support… Continue reading TAX FREE CHILDCARE: Less than half of eligible families accessing support

NDNA Cymru publishes early years and childcare election manifesto

This election represents a chance for the next Welsh Government to get it right for early years and childcare as National Day Nurseries Association (NDNA) Cymru has published key issues for children, families and nurseries ahead of the May elections. NDNA Cymru’s manifesto, Getting it Right for Early Years and Childcare, focuses on improving the… Continue reading NDNA Cymru publishes early years and childcare election manifesto