Shadow Education Minister addresses Labour party conference

The Shadow Education Minister Kate Green MP addressed the Labour party conference today. Her speech detailed how the next Labour government would overcome the challenges of the pandemic to deliver an education system that equips children for the future.Kate Green MP

The speech referenced the Children’s Recovery Plan, first released in June 2021. The document sets out Labour’s proposals for all children to ‘play, learn and develop’ in the post-Covid period.

Purnima Tanuku OBE, Chief Executive of NDNA, said: “Early years must be seen as the most important part of any education policy. Anyone who is serious about closing the attainment gap and making Britain the best place to grow-up needs to focus on how we as a society support children’s early education.

“Evidence has shown that access to high-quality early learning opportunities, like those provided by nurseries, is crucial to children’s life chances and helps close the attainment gap for those from disadvantaged backgrounds.

“We have previously welcomed the plans to increase the Early Years Pupil Premium in line with primary school children rates. However, with 95% of nurseries saying current hourly rates do not cover their costs and a workforce crisis – there needs to be a strong focus on investing in children’s futures in the early years sector to help give them the best start in life.”

Read the full speech here.

  • England
  • Covid-19 pandemic
  • early education
  • early years
  • Education Minister
  • England
  • Kate Green MP
  • Labour party conference
  • workforce crisis

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