Independent review of joint inspection arrangements

An independent review has been carried out by the Learning Partnership  into the way joint inspections between Care Inspectorate Wales and Estyn work for the non-maintained sector in Wales. In the five years since the introduction of joint inspections, there have been a lot of changes within the sector (Curriculum for Wales, the ALN Act, Early Childhood, Play Learning and Care approach, updated National Minimum Standards) and a review of the process was needed.

The report overall is positive about the impact of the joint inspection programme, but it does highlight recommendations in which the approach could be improved for the two inspectorates to consider. CIW and Estyn will develop a response to the recommendations over the next 12 months and NDNA Cymru look forward to working with the inspectorates to support and inform the improvement work.

NDNA Cymru welcomed the introduction of the joint inspection approach. However, we recognise the challenges settings have faced with inconsistencies with their joint inspection experiences and we hope that this report paves the way for improvement in the process.

Recommendation for regular mandatory training for inspectors on the ALN Act, Curriculum for Wales and Early Childhood, Play Learning and Care (ECPLC) would ensure that the pedagogy, process and language used in documentation and observations is fully understood, recognised, and reported upon when inspections are undertaken. This will support in reducing inconsistencies across inspection activity.  

We are also pleased to see a key recommendation from the review focusing on the development of an inspection framework aligned with the aspirations of Early Childhood, Play Learning and Care (ECPLC) in Wales. This will provide settings with a streamlined approach to their practice and provision across the setting and will reduce unnecessary replication for the setting leaders and practitioners.

These recommendations will further support the development and delivery of a consistent approach to nurturing, learning and development, through the provision of high-quality play-based childcare and education opportunities, for all babies and young children aged 0-5 years old within Wales. We will work with CIW and Estyn as they respond to the recommendations on how we can ensure the inspection regime supports ongoing quality improvement, better outcomes for children and supports the sector.

  • Wales

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