Ofsted report focuses on the three prime areas of learning

Continuing its series of research relating to early years education Ofsted has published its report ‘Best Start in life part 2: the prime areas of learning’. The aim of the report is to support practitioners in raising the quality of education within early years and follows on from Part 1 which covered staffing, curriculum and… Continue reading Ofsted report focuses on the three prime areas of learning

Voters say that early education reform key in General Election   

A new report from the Early Education and Childcare Coalition (EECC) – of which NDNA is a member – launched today has revealed that for 42% of British voters, childcare and early education reform will be key in their decision about who to vote for in the general election.  The new report ‘Pulse Check: Public… Continue reading Voters say that early education reform key in General Election   

Scotland’s Programme for Government: extending funded ELC offer

Scotland’s First Minister Humza Yousaf announced his plans for extending the funded childcare policy in his first programme for Government speech. He will accelerate the expansion of the two-year-old offer by starting to phase in families with two-year-olds from next year, focusing on tackling child poverty. This will be subject to families meeting specific criteria… Continue reading Scotland’s Programme for Government: extending funded ELC offer

David Johnston appointed as new Children and Families minister

The MP for Wantage and Didcot, David Johnston OBE has been appointed as the new parliamentary under-secretary of state for education to replace Claire Coutinho as part of the Prime Minister’s mini reshuffle today. He is the eighth minister with responsibility for childcare in the last five years. Until this morning, Claire Coutinho MP held… Continue reading David Johnston appointed as new Children and Families minister

Scottish ELC: only three Local Authorities are increasing funding in line with rising costs

According to an investigation by National Day Nurseries Association (NDNA) Scotland, only two local authorities have reported they will be increasing their early learning and childcare entitlement funding at the same rate as providers’ rising costs. Childcare businesses in around a third of local authority areas begin the new academic year without knowing how much… Continue reading Scottish ELC: only three Local Authorities are increasing funding in line with rising costs

Childcare Providers Facing Nationwide Recruitment Crisis

TUC have published a report on the childcare sector national recruitment crisis and are calling for a comprehensive strategy for the care workforce in England. New analysis by the TUC using Coram Family and Childcare data shows that childcare recruitment is in crisis on a national scale with every English region struggling to recruit childcare… Continue reading Childcare Providers Facing Nationwide Recruitment Crisis

Early Years maths programme boosts child development by three months

A National Day Nurseries Association (NDNA) professional development programme aimed at increasing practitioner skills, knowledge, awareness and confidence in supporting early mathematics has been proved to boost young children’s maths skills by three months. A project evaluation report published by the Education Endowment Foundation (EEF) alongside a team from the Universities of York and Durham… Continue reading Early Years maths programme boosts child development by three months

£204 million cash boost given to nurseries for childcare expansion

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The Government has announced a boost to early years funding with a £204 million cash investment to support the expansion of childcare places. The investment intended to make childcare more accessible allowing more parents to return to work and stimulate economic growth is being celebrated by government as ‘the largest ever investment in childcare.’ But… Continue reading £204 million cash boost given to nurseries for childcare expansion

Latest Ofsted stats show 650 nurseries fewer and almost one in five nurseries given poor grading

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Ofsted’s latest data release has revealed that there are 7% fewer early providers and 2% fewer places for children in England. The picture looks grim for nurseries and pre-schools, with a net loss of 651 settings on the EY register in just one year and more than 4,000 places lost since August alone. Inspectors have… Continue reading Latest Ofsted stats show 650 nurseries fewer and almost one in five nurseries given poor grading

Staff turnover 29% in Scottish private nurseries

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New data published this week revealed that staff turnover in private nurseries in Scotland is shockingly high at 29% compared with 11% in the public sector. The stats, published by the Scottish Social Services Council (SSSC) in its Movement of Day Care of Children Staff Report 2023, backs up the evidence that NDNA Scotland has… Continue reading Staff turnover 29% in Scottish private nurseries

Nursery closure rates up fifty per cent on last year

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Nurseries continue to close at a faster rate than previously, with fifty per cent more closures in 2022-23 compared with the previous year, according to research by National Day Nurseries Association (NDNA). As the early years sector in England is preparing for a massive expansion of Government-funded childcare from April 2024, this raises serious questions… Continue reading Nursery closure rates up fifty per cent on last year