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If you become a work placement setting for the Scotland Childcare Works project, you will be supporting the early learning and childcare workforce in Scotland by enabling individuals to gain experience in the sector to go into future employment.
Many of the nurseries that have previously provided work placements for the project’s Trainee Support Workers have employed their participant on a permanent contract.

How the Scotland Childcare Works project works
Once funding for the project is secured, NDNA Scotland sources participants from specified local authorities across Scotland.
Settings supporting the project provide a 12 week work placement for a Trainee Support Worker to work 16 hours a week.
Participants receive support spanning 16 weeks including:
- Four weeks of paid training from NDNA Scotland
- A 12 week placement at a setting
- On-going support and guidance throughout their placement from NDNA Scotland.
This project gives settings a chance to make their workforce more diverse – participants are from different backgrounds with differing levels of experience.
It will support with recruitment, giving settings the opportunity to see a Trainee Support Worker’s work in practice with their children and staff over a 16 week period.
Where does Childcare Works take place?
The project is currently funded by East Ayrshire Local Employability Partnership to deliver in East Ayrshire during 2024.
When will it take place?
The project commences 11 March 2024 and runs until 28 June 2024.
Whilst on placement your Trainee Support Worker receives NDNA training alongside their placement in a childcare setting.
The training courses span four-weeks and covers all mandatory training such as safeguarding and paediatric first aid, as well as a number of early years and childcare specific sessions. Participants will be checked by Disclosure Scotland prior to being on placement.
If participants are new to the early learning and childcare sector, they will gain the skills and knowledge to be able to begin their placement opportunity at a setting.
Are there any criteria to be a placement setting?
Settings must be able to provide work for 16 hours a week for 12 weeks.
To find out more:
Email: [email protected] or call: 0131 516 6967
This is an EALEP funded programme.