Camau is a Welsh language course bespoke to the early years and childcare sector. There are 10 units to each course, after completing a course there is room for progression. The 10th unit of each course has a quiz which is a recap of the previous 9 units, after completing the quiz you will receive a certificate at the end of the month. It will take roughly 20 hours to complete each course and you have 10 weeks to complete the 10 units from the date you enrolled. Mynediad 1 (entry 1) is basic Welsh such as colours, numbers, pronunciations, and greetings. Mynediad 2 is more setting-based Welsh with Mynediad 3 being more advanced.
Camau yw cwrs iaith Gymraeg sydd yn bwrpasol i’r blynyddoedd cynnar a’r sector gofal plant. Mae yna 10 uned i’r cwrs, ar ôl gwblhau’r cwrs fydd yna gyfle am gynnydd bellach. Uned 10 yw cwis i fynd dros y blaenorol o’r 9 uned wedi cwblhau yn barod, gewch dystysgrif ar ôl, erbyn diwedd y mis. Bydd yn cymryd tua 20 awr i’w gwblhau’r cwrs ac mae gennych 10 wythnos i gwblhau’r 10 uned o’r dyddiad cofrestr. Cymraeg sylfaenol yw Mynediad 1 yn gyfryw liwiau, niferoedd, ynganiadau a chyfarchion. Mae Mynediad 2 yn seiliedig ar iaith Gymraeg yn y sefydliad ac mae Mynediad 3 yn cynnwys Cymraeg uwch.
Support from NDNA Cymru
NDNA Cymru are able to showcase Camau to settings to provide more information regarding what can be learnt, how to access the course, how to find relevant resources to support, discuss key information such as the duration of the course and also show you how the course looks.
NDNA Cymru have many resources and factsheets that help with the completion of the course and using the language learnt in practice. We as NDNA Cymru are able to provide one to one, face to face, virtual, phone call and email support if you require support with the course or how to implement the Welsh language.
Mae NDNA Cymru yn gallu arddangos Camau i’r sefydliad i roi fwy o wybodaeth i chi am beth allech chi ddysgu, sut i gael mynediad i’r cwrs, ble gallech ffeindio adnoddau i gefnogi chi, i drafod gwybodaeth allweddol fel hyd y cwrs a hefyd sut mae’r cwrs yn edrych.
Mae gan NDNA Cymru llawer o daflenni wybodaeth ac adnoddau i helpu defnyddio’r iaith yn y sefydliad ar ôl cwblhau Camau. Rydyn ni’n gallu rhoi cymorth 1 I 1, wyneb i wyneb, dros y we, fel galwad ffôn a trwy e-bost os ydych angen cymorth gyda’r cwrs neu sut i weithredu’r iaith yn y sefydliad.
Mynediad 1
Mynediad 1 contains learning, numbers, colours, greetings, food and drink, the weather and days of the week.
Mae mynediad 1 yn cynnwys rhifau, lliwiau, cyfarchion, byd a diod, y tywydd a dyddiau’r wythnos.
Resources to support unit 1 to 9
Unit 1 | Help with Cymraeg; Me, Myself; Parts of the Nursery. |
Unit 2 | The weather; Autumn and Harvest; greetings and simple sentences; Spring, easter and St Davids day; Summer; create a wintry scene. |
Unit 3 | My body my family; Mr Hapus; Bubble blowing activity. |
Unit 4 | Food and drink vocabulary; hygiene and toileting. |
Unit 5 | The farm; animal; dressing teddy; parts of the body songs; Dear zoo mask making. |
Unit 6 | Talking time; finding treasure. |
Unit 7 | Natural art; more simple sentences; number, colours, shapes, sizes; simple sentences. |
Unit 8 | People who help us. |
Unit 9 | My body my movement; feature of the face; parts of the body. |
Mynediad 2
Camau mynediad 2 contains learning about changing the sentence when discussing different individuals and how to respond such as, what have you done? What have they done? What have the children done? I have / have you? Mynediad 2 also includes what/ who/ whose. You’ll also learn to discuss and describe things such as books, who’s the author? What happens next? What’s happening now? Is the story good? Are the characters happy?
Mae camau mynediad 2 yn cynnwys dysgu sut i newid brawddegau wrth siarad am unigolion gwahanol a sut i ymateb er enghraifft, beth wyt ti wedi gwneud? Beth maen nhw wedi gwneud? Beth mae’r plant wedi gwneud? rydw i wedi/ maen nhw wedi. Mae mynediad 2 hefyd yn cynnwys beth/ pwy sy/ pwy ydyn. Byddwch hefyd yn dysgu sut i drafod a disgrifio pethau fel llyfrau, pwy yw’r awdur? Beth sy’n digwydd nesaf? Beth sy’n digwydd nawr? Ydy’r stori’n dda? Ydy’r cymeriadau’n hapus
Resources to support unit 11 to 19
Unit 11 | More simple sentences. |
Unit 12 | |
Unit 13 | Talking time. |
Unit 14 | Dear zoo. |
Unit 15 | Natural art. |
Unit 16 | Outdoor play- rainy day activities; finding treasure |
Unit 17 | Finding treasure |
Unit 18 | |
Unit 19 |
Mynediad 3
Mynediad 3 includes learning about the following areas, what do you want/ I want/ I don’t want. You will also learn how to tell the time in Welsh, mutations when talking about yourself and how to discuss things happening in the future.
Mae mynediad 3 yn cynnwys yr agweddau dilynol, beth wyt ti eisiau/ rydw i eisiau/ dydw i ddim yn eisiau. Byddwch hefyd yn dysgu sut i ddweud yr amser yn Gymraeg, treigladau wrth siarad am eich hun a sut i drafod pethau sydd yn digwydd yn y dyfodol.