Camau is a bespoke childcare, early years and playwork sector Work Welsh scheme devised by National Centre for Learning Welsh with the aim of increasing the number of Welsh language speakers within the sector.
There are 3 levels to the online, self-study course, beginning with Mynediad (Entry level). Here you’ll learn basic Welsh such as colours, numbers, pronunciations and greetings. You’ll begin to discuss days of the week in Welsh, the weather, time and feelings. Upon completing the Mynediad course, you will be able to move on to Sylfaen (Foundation level).
The units at this level look at past, present and future tenses, asking questions and things like looking after pets and animals. You can then move on to the Canolradd (Intermediate level) where there are confidence building activities. You will received a certificate of achievement at each of the 3 levels.
On the Dysgu Cymraeg website, when you click on Work Welsh on the top menu, under Work Welsh Services you’ll find all the information you need. Here you can decide which level of the course is right for you. The link to begin the course is available from [email protected] which ensures that your course is mapped correctly and you are provided with the correct, free support from the NDNA Cymru Welsh Language team.
You will receive a certificate of achievement at each of the 3 levels.
Support from NDNA Cymru
NDNA Cymru are able to showcase the Camau courses to settings. Provide more information regarding what can be learnt, how to access the course, how to find relevant resources to support, discuss key information such as the duration of the course and also show you how the course looks.
NDNA Cymru have many resources and factsheets that help with the completion of the course and using the language learnt in practice. NDNA Cymru are able to provide one to one, virtual, phone call and email support if you require support with the course or how to implement the Welsh language.
Read about the journey of some Camau learners here.
Find out more about what each Camau unit includes:
Mynediad includes the subjects listed below:
- Understand simple day to day phrases and use them in a childcare setting
- Discuss days of the week and the weather
- Give direct commands and simple instructions
- Discuss feelings and desires
- Discuss likes and dislikes, giving reasons
- Count and use numbers
- Discuss colours and shapes
- Discuss events in the past
- Discuss the time
- Discuss future events.
Sylfaen includes the subjects listed below:
- Discuss the weather in the present, past and future
- Ask and answer questions about nature and playing outdoors
- Discuss looking after pets and animals
- Ask and answer questions about travelling
- Discuss food and drink
- Ask and answer questions about favourite things
- Discuss where you and others are going
- Give commands
- Compare people and objects
- Change the emphasis in simple sentences.
Canolradd includes the subjects listed below:
- Give instructions that are relevant to everyday routines in a childcare setting
- Describe actions and feelings
- Discuss playing with sand and water
- Discuss surroundings
- Discuss objects (e.g., toys) during play time
- Discuss making pictures and painting
- Give advice, using ‘should’
- Express opinions and provide reasons
- Emphasize information
- Discuss things that have happened to us.IMAGE