Spring Member Events

We strive to keep our valued members informed about the things that matter. NDNA Member Events keep you informed and support you in improving your practice, our speakers share their knowledge and expertise on key topics at these events.

Are you looking to promote your products and services to the early years sector? Contact our corporate partnership team via [email protected] or call 01484 407070 for further information.

Please remember to login before booking to access your exclusive free member ticket.

Upcoming member events

Afternoon with…Ashley John-Baptiste

9 July 2024, virtual
Sponsored by Hope
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Member event: England

2 October 2024, virtual
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Member event: Wales

16 October 2024, virtual
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Member event: Scotland

22 October 2024, virtual
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Coming soon

Afternoon with…Sam Wass

13 November 2024, virtual
Sponsored by Hope
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With thanks to our Member Event sponsor


We want to help you to make your nursery be the best it can be, by supporting you with every aspect of HR and health & safety, we give you the time back to do what you do best – educate your children.

View website here

With thanks to our Afternoon With event sponsor


Hope is the home of everything you need for your early years setting. From role play and small world, to outdoor, furniture and maths, we’ve got you covered. Plus with endless inspiration and ideas to bring learning to life, gold star customer service and outstanding value, Hope really is all you need.


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