Advanced Safeguarding training for nursery Designated Safeguarding Leads (DSLs)

This two-part training course will give you the skills to be a DSL in a nursery or early years setting, and the ability to deliver safeguarding training to your team.

Nursery Advanced Safeguarding training

Course details

Duration: Full day face to face course and online training course
Who should attend: Nursery professionals acting as the DSLs. Learners must complete a basic safeguarding course such as NDNA’s basic safeguarding training beforehand.

This course has been significantly updated, including new case studies and how to build a safeguarding culture.

What you learn on part one of the course (face to face):

  • The latest Ofsted safeguarding guidance
  • The importance of keeping up-to-date with your own local safeguarding children’s board advice and guidance
  • Your role and responsibilities as a DSL
  • E-safety and social media in relation to safeguarding
  • What may prevent children from disclosing abuse and support your team to respond effectively
  • How to make informed decisions about the action to take when concerned about a child in your care and analyse the referral process
  • Your Disqualification by Association responsibilities
  • Your responsibility under the Prevent Duty and about Female Genital Mutilation (FGM)
  • The Toxic Trio and identifying signs and symptoms
  • How the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) works with child protection.

What you learn on part two of the course (online):

This course also gives you access to NDNA’s ‘Train the Trainer’ online course so you can train your team to meet the EYFS.

  • How to train a staff team
  • The teaching and learning cycle
  • Identifying barriers to learning
  • How to download training resources for your team.

What you’ll receive:

  • A handbook and full set of resources
  • Access to NDNA’s Early Years Development Zone including important information, documents, videos and a message board
  • A certificate
  • A quarterly safeguarding updates newsletter.

Prices and how to book:

We have live virtual courses running throughout the year too, book here. 

Please give us a call to arrange a date convenient to you.

 IndividualWhole team (16 people)
NDNA Member  £136.50 £1365
Non-member £182 £1820

Call 01484 407070 or email [email protected]

“This course offers a great balance of input and activity and covers all the relevant points.” 

– Kirklees Safeguarding Board

“My knowledge is now completely up to date and I walked out feeling really confident. The trainer was knowledgeable and experienced; it made for a contained and comfortable environment where we could ask any questions.”

– Marie Gaughan, Bainton Road Nursery, Oxford