Contact NDNA: National Day Nurseries Association

Common contacts and queries:

Please email the team at [email protected] for the following enquiries:

  • Your membership and benefits
  • Business support
  • Local authority funding issues
  • NDNA Networks
  • Compliments or complaints.

All enquiries will be dealt with within 72 hours of receiving them. ​

For safeguarding concerns call us immediately on 01484 407070 and state that it is a safeguarding issue, and you’ll be put through to the right person.

Contact the team using the following direct dial numbers:

01484 407070

Main Menu

01484 407074

Membership Support

01484 407077

Live Virtual Classrooms or Face-to-Face

01484 407063

Online Courses and Development Zone

01484 407075

Champions Programmes (including Maths Champions

01484 407066

Press Office

01484 407069

Corporate Partnerships

01484 407065


01484 407067

NDNA Networks

01484 407071

HR and Room Hire

01484 407078

Projects and Contracts

01484 407068

Marketing and Communications

NDNA Head office

NDNA, National Early Years Enterprise Centre
Longbow Close

Email: [email protected]
Telephone: 01484 407070
Fax: 01484 407060

NDNA Cymru

NDNA Cymru
3 Connaught House
Riverside Business Park
Benarth Road
LL32 8UB

Email: [email protected]
Telephone: 01824 707823

NDNA Scotland

NDNA Scotland
The Mansfield Traquair Centre
15 Mansfield Place

Email: [email protected]
Telephone: 0131 516 6967