NDNA Cymru and Cwlwm

NDNA Cymru work in partnership with the 4 other leading childcare organisations in Wales to deliver a bilingual integrated service that will ensure the best possible outcomes for children and families across Wales as ‘Cwlwm’ (Childcare Wales Learning and Working Mutually).

Cwlwm supports the Welsh Government’s aim to ensure that families across Wales can access affordable, quality childcare providing innovative solutions to create flexible childcare and play opportunities to meet the needs of parents and their families.

Each individual organisation will continue to work strategically with local authorities and government agencies alike in order to meet local and national targets for the benefit of children and families across Wales. 

The five organisations will continue to work independently of each other as organisations delivering their particular area of expertise, according to their own memorandum and articles, in order to support or provide quality childcare and reduce child poverty across Wales.