NDNA’s Early Years Advisers all have many years of in-depth experience in early years practice.
They keep abreast of new childcare developments and research, which puts them in the best position to give advice and support to our members on all kinds of early years issues, and to promote the highest quality standards.
Fiona Bland
Fiona has 30 years experience (both nationally and internationally) in the early years sector, beginning her career as a key person and progressing through to leadership and management positions. Prior to joining NDNA in 2011, Fiona worked as a senior teacher at the British Council in Hong Kong, developing English language programmes for Chinese children aged from 2-8 years. She developed teacher training programmes for early years teachers and teaching assistants to develop their knowledge of child development and the EYFS. Her wealth of experience and passion for high quality early years practice has led to opportunities to speak at conferences here in the UK and at international events. She has worked as a college lecturer and local authority trainer, delivering on level 3 and level 4 early years qualifications. In her role as Lead Early Years Adviser, Fiona manages NDNA’s NDNA’s Quality Counts programme.

Emalee Caton
Emalee has worked in early years for over a decade as a Reception class teacher. Prior to joining NDNA she was Early Years Lead for a two form entry primary school. Emalee is NDNA’s Early Years Lead PANCo Tutor, supporting learners through the NCFE CACHE Level 4 PANCo award which promotes health and wellbeing through physical activity and nutrition coordination in early years settings.

Gillian Christie
Gillian is an Early Years Professional and has been working in the sector for 15 years, including 10 years as a Special Educational Needs Coordinator in a children’s centre. Gillian is currently Lead Tutor on the NCFE Level 3 SENCo qualification, delivering the course to learners across England to ensure new and current SENCos have the knowledge and confidence to support children with special educational needs and disabilities. Gillian also mentors the learners on the course and, as a qualified assessor, grades the learners’ portfolios. Gillian is now an Early Years Adviser on our Champions programmes.

Paula Dunn
Starting out in the early years sector in 2004, Paula was involved in the establishment of Sure Start local programmes, supporting the set-up of neighbourhood nurseries alongside developing and delivering a range of early years play and learning activities for children and families. Prior to joining NDNA, Paula had a long-standing role as a Local Authority Early Years Adviser and trainer working with schools, early years settings and childminders. She has a BA Hons in Early Childhood Studies and EYP status. Paula is NDNA’s Lead Early Years Adviser for our Champions programmes.

Salima Keshavjee
Salima has been working in early years education for over 20 years. She is a qualified teacher and holds an MA in Education (Psychology). She has worked in both the maintained and private sector and has held various teaching and leadership roles in the UK and UAE. As an NDNA Early Years Adviser, her role includes developing professional development content and supporting settings on our Champions programmes.

Kimberley Luckham
Kimberley has been working in early years since 2005, starting out as an early years practitioner in a local nursery school. Kimberley went on to gain her BA Hons degree in Early Years studies and Early Years Professional Status when she took on the role of nursery manager. With a passion for learning outdoors, she gained a qualification as a Beach School leader and led a successful beach school for local nursery children. Prior to joining NDNA, Kimberley has spent the past 9 years working for Ofsted, inspecting pre-school and nursery settings, childminders and afterschool clubs. Kimberley is now a Deputy Early Years Adviser Lead on our Champions programmes.

Tor Marshall
Tor has been involved in education, both as a teacher and leader, for over 20 years. She has held a range of different positions in various settings, including nursery, special, primary and international schools. A qualified teacher, Tor also holds a MEd in Inclusive Education and the National Professional Qualification for Headteachers. Tor now works as an NDNA Early Years Adviser with a focus on creating content and supporting settings through our award-winning Champions programmes.

Gail Murphy
Gail has worked in education for over 30 years across a variety of settings including maintained primary and nursery schools and children’s centres. She is a qualified teacher and holds an MA in Educational Professional Practice. Prior to joining NDNA, Gail was headteacher of an outstanding maintained nursery school and integrated full year provision for children aged 6 months to 5 years.
Gail’s role as Early Years Development Manager includes a remit for the development of NDNA’s products and services, with lead roles in Millie’s Mark and member policies and procedures. She is the organisation’s Designated Safeguarding Lead.

Justyna Ogrodniczek
Justyna has over 20 years’ experience in the early years sector, with 16 years in managerial roles. She is a passionate coach, leader and mentor who builds outstanding cultures in settings, empowering staff to reach their full potential and drive continuous improvement.
Originally from Poland, she qualified as a teacher in 2002 and worked in the primary sector for six years before moving to the UK. Here, she began as a nursery practitioner, achieved her EYP status and completed her postgraduate qualification in Leadership and Management in Early Years. Justyna is one of our Early Years Advisers for the Champions Programme.

Kay Pinto
With over 25 years of experience in early years education spanning across diverse roles, settings, countries and continents, Kay brings a wealth of experience to NDNA. Whether in her role as class teacher, head of department, headteacher, English as an additional language (EAL) adviser or working as a consultant with an NGO, Kay has a steadfast commitment to inclusive education and child-led learning. Her passion lies in creating inclusive environments that inspire curiosity, creativity, a life-long love for learning and meets the unique needs of every child. Kay is one of NDNA’s Early Years Advisers.

Find out all you need to know about nurseries in our Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs), collated from questions we get asked by our members and their parents, and updated regularly.
For safeguarding concerns, please call 01484 407070 without delay.