Child smelling flowers

Early years poetry activity: Whispers of Spring

In this sensory poetry activity, children will use their senses to explore the signs of spring, to be inspired, and spark discussion, leading to the creation of a collaborative poem that captures the essence of spring. 

Learning aims

The learning aims of this activity are to promote sensory engagement by letting children experience nature and gather objects, enhance their vocabulary and sentence structures through poetry, and foster teamwork and communication as they share ideas and collaborate with one another.

Resources you’ll need for this activity

For this activity, you’ll need a large sheet of paper or card (a wall could also be used), objects found on the spring walk activity and sticky tape. 

Whispers of spring poetry activity guide

  1. Hold a discussion with the children to explore what signs of spring they are already aware of, e.g. daffodils, longer days, leaf buds, birds, lambs etc. Use visuals to reinforce the vocabulary 
  1. Go on a walk to observe the sounds, signs, smells and touch of nature. Encourage children to describe what their senses are experiencing, for example, “A velvety leaf bud,” “The sweet smell of fresh green grass,” “Tuneful chirps of the birds”. Model some descriptions for them 
  1. Ask the children to collect items that makes them think about spring (a few items each to use for the poem), making sure that they don’t pick new leaves or buds; you may wish to photograph the items instead 
  1. Either in a space outside or inside, examine the children’s collection together and encourage them to describe what they have chosen and why 
  1. Transcribe their descriptions and observations and as they fix their found objects (or photos of them) onto the paper/card/wall, adding their descriptions or observations next to them 
  1. When completed, read out the descriptions and observations, inspired by their nature walk, and – hey presto! – you have a wonderful poem that celebrates the magic of spring. 

How can you extend this poetry activity?

If you find you want to extend this activity, you could record the children describing their found objects for everyone to listen to as they admire the poem on the wall. 

Outdoor and risky play nursery training

Our “Outdoor and Risky Play” nursery training is designed to help your team understand the value of adventurous outdoor play for young children and how to support them in taking measured risks that enhance their learning. This practical, face-to-face course will equip your staff with the confidence and knowledge to create exciting, hands-on learning experiences that foster resilience, creativity, and problem-solving skills. By embracing managed risk, your team will learn how to balance safety with adventure — helping children to thrive outdoors.

Disclaimer: Activities with children must always be risk assessed, including for allergies or choking. Children must always have adequate supervision. Resources and materials must always be appropriate for children’s age and stage of development.

  • Activity
  • MyNDNA

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