Conference – be part of the bigger picture
The greatest joy of conference for me is meeting old friends and making new contacts – but even more so this year with the chance to get together in person for the first time in three years.
Talking with colleagues from across the country , sharing ideas and experiences with others from such a wide range of settings has always really helped me to feel more in tune with the sector as a whole and be part of the bigger picture.
Time spent at conference provides the opportunity to ‘step out’ of your daily role and reflect on your own practice too. The chance to hear – and meet – some truly great speakers (often great entertainers as well!) who are at the forefront of early years education can be both enlightening and thought provoking, firing up the spirit!
This year’s conference especially will give a great boost to all who attend , especially after the last few years and the challenges experienced and those we all face going forward. Being there in person makes for a really interactive experience, and this year’s line-up is well worth coming along for!
If the weather is as good as it was the last time, we met at Chesford Grange, there’ll also be time to talk over lunch in the garden and relax over cocktails in the evening too.
At night of course there’s the Awards to look forward to – a fun night full of celebrating our amazing sector for all whether winners or watchers!
Hilary Sharples – Director of Quality at Ashbridge independent school and nursery