Activity and tip of the week

Disclaimer: Activities with children must always be risk assessed, including for allergies or choking. Children must always have adequate supervision. Resources and materials must always be appropriate for children’s age and stage of development.

Family art gallery

Activity of the week


Creating a family art gallery in your setting can help to create a sense of belonging and connection for the children.

Adding photos and children’s artwork of their family members provides opportunities for children to talk
about their families and supports the development of social and emotional skills.

  • Provide children with a strong sense of belonging and show children that you value them and their families
  • To talk about people who are special to them and show interest in their friends
  • Recognise and accept each other as individuals
  • Develop mark-making skills and give meaning to the marks
Family art gallery

Intergenerational links

Tip of the week


Intergenerational links bring together younger and older generations, to spend time together, playing and taking part in activities.

This creates social interactions and shared experiences amongst different generations, which has many benefits for them both. Bringing young and older people together can boost children’s well-being, language use and acquisition, social interaction and change attitudes towards ageing.

Intergenerational links